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Veranstaltung "Moderner Bildungsstandort"

Zirl - ein moderner Bildungsstandort und Impulsgeber für zukunftsorientierte Aus- und Weiter...


Tage der offenen Tür und Anmeldung

Wir freuen uns, alle interessierten Schüler/-innen, Eltern und schulinteressierten Personen, an folg...


Lehrerfinanzierung gesichert - Schulstart trotzdem verschoben

Ausgiebige Verhandlungen mit dem Bundesministerium konnten mit Erfolg gekrönt werden: Die Lehre...


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this is the homepage of WISSENSDORF, a foundation which is focused on future trends in apprenticeship and education. We attend and support people in the daily information search and the life long learning process. This is valid for pupils, students and adults.

WISSENSDORF is a foundation which supports the advancement in schooling and continuation training in the day to day life and business.

The foundation verbalizes the following targets for the activities:

  • People are supported  and raised in extra tuition.
  • People are supported in evening schools
  • People are supported  in schooling respectively in the integration process foreign cultures
  • People are supported in the re-entry process.
  • Handicapped people are supported in getting easier access to educational establishments

In order to get the maximum dissemination of knowledge WISSENSDORF mentions following principles:

  • Knowledge will be distributed over borders, religions and cultures in a neutral manner.
  • Knowledge will be adapted to individuals as much as possible
  • Knowledge will be discovered by the learners and enhance their curiosity in getting new knowledge

Following from above mentioned statements wissensdorf formulates the basic principles in regard to quality, time and dissemination :

We deliver the highest possible quality of lerning content in the shortest possible time with a maximum dissemaination